The Third in a Row: The First Independent at Zvono

Treća po redu Prva samostalna u Zvonu
Ogledala, malo početničke treme, mnogo osmijeha podrške i mladost u iznenađujućoj kombinaciji sa skromnošću. Sinoć je u Zvonu predstavljen treći duo umjetni(k)-ica/historičar-ka umjetnosti, od ukupno četiri planirana projekta. Pobjednice trećeg konkursa su mlada skulptorica Snježana Idrizović i kustosica Alma Mešić. Pored postavljanja Snježaninih skulptura, pred Almu Mešić je postavljen i prvi zadatak pisanja teksta o umjetnosti koju nije sama odabrala, a na koji je prema riječima članova udruženja Zvono, odgovorila posva profesionalno i ozbiljno. Kustosica je objasnivši formalne aspekte Snježaninog rada, prešla i na značenjske, mistično nam ostavljajući mogućnost vlastitog učitavanja. Alma Mešić nam objašnjava proces fragmentiranosti u umjetnicinim radovima koji zbog odabira ogledala kao medija nužno autentično funkcionira na nivou likovnog jezika, ali nadasve i na semantičkom nivou. Odabir medija uvlači posmatrača u djelo, a potom ga vodi u svijet gdje njegova mašta suočena s vlastitim odrazima u komadićima ogledala nikako ne može ostati spokojna. Snježanini radovi u Zvonu koji počivaju na skladnom spoju akademizma i daška nemira ovog haotičnog vremena i užurbane svakodnevnice su posve zanimljiva igra oštrih i kontrastnih oblika. Njeni volumeni oblikujući apstraktne figure prave i od rastrojenog posmatrača donekle otkačene, bez ikakvog logičkog smisla izvitoperene figure koje me ponekad nasmiju dok prolazim pored blještavih izloga. Stoga, toplo preporučujem.
Evo što su o svemu rekle mlade autorice izložbe u našem ženskom čavrljanju!

The third in a row The first independent at Zvono

Mirrors, a bit of beginner’s jitters, a lot of supporting smiles and the youth in an amazing combination with modesty. Last night was presented the third artist/art historian duo out of four planned projects. The third contest winners were young sculptor Snjezana Idrizovic and a curator Alma Mesic. Besides of setting Snjezana’s sculpture in front of Alma Mesic was the first task of writing the text on the art she did not chose alone, and that, according to words of the Zvono’s members, shel replied quarreled professionally and seriously. The curator explained the formal aspects of Snjezana’s work and than moved on talking about semantic, leaving us with the mystical ability to upload your own opinion. Alma Mesic explains the process of fragmentation of the artist’s works which for the sake of the selection of mirrors as a medium, necessarily works authentic on the art element’s level of language, but above all on the semantic level. The selection of media draws the viewer into the workof art and then leads him into a world where his imagination is faced with his own reflection in the mirror pieces and where she certainly can not remain complacent. Snjezana’s work at Zvono is based on a harmonious blend of academics and a bit of turmoil of this chaotic time and hectic everyday life presents one very interesting game with sharp and contrasting shapes. Her volumes while forming abstract figures also create from a deranged observer somewhat weird and without any logical sense skewed figures that make me laugh sometimes when I pass it by dazzling displays. Therefore, we strongly recommend.

Elma Hodzic

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